Personal data we process
We process all personal data that you provide us with for the purposes of providing sound interpreting and translation services. This personal data ranges from name and address details to information about medical and criminal records.
Processing — legal basis and purposes
We will ensure that personal data is only collected and processed for specific, explicitly described and justified purposes and legal bases. We may receive personal data relating to you and/or a third party in order to issue a quotation for interpreting and translation services and/or in order to provide this type of service.
Your personal data will only be used for purposes for which you have given your consent. These include, but are not limited to, the following:
- sending emails and newsletters;
- carrying out market research;
- providing services;
- informing you about new services;
- inviting you to meetings and other gatherings.
If you do not wish to use certain services, or only wish to do so to a limited extent, you are entitled to withdraw your consent. To withdraw your consent, please send an email to our general email address with “Withdrawal of consent” in the subject line.
Data minimisation
HHCE’s processing of personal data is limited to only the data that is necessary in relation to the pre-defined purpose in question. This is done on a need to know basis and we make every effort to process as little data as possible. We secure your data by only allowing persons who are actually working on a request for the provision of a service to access your personal data. Wherever possible, we will process less personal data or none at all.
Retention period
Personal data will not be retained longer than necessary. The retention of personal data may be necessary in order to perform activities properly or fulfil legal obligations. If your personal data no longer needs to be retained, it will be destroyed or returned to you, whichever you prefer.
Integrity and confidentiality
Your personal data will only be processed by persons who have signed a non-disclosure agreement. It will only be processed for the purpose for which it was collected. Our staff and freelancers are required to comply with specific privacy requirements in order to secure your personal data. Before starting to work for us, they must sign a non-disclosure agreement.
Furthermore, staff and freelancers are obliged to report any loss of personal data as soon as possible. In the event that they fail to do so, they will be held liable for any consequences of such loss.
Your rights under the GDPR
You can use the “Data subject rights form” to exercise your rights as a data subject under the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). You have the following rights under the GDPR:
- right of access to your personal data;
- right to erasure;
- right to rectification or restriction of processing;
- right to data portability.
We will process your request within the statutory period and use the possibilities created by law to grant or reject your request. In the event that we reject your request, we will specify reasons for doing so.
Loss of personal data
HHCE has taken measures to limit loss of personal data (or the possibility thereof) and/or data leaks to an absolute minimum. In the unlikely event that a data leak occurs and your personal data is lost, despite all measures taken, and you are likely to suffer severe personal consequences as a result, we will inform you without delay.
HHCE is committed to complying with this statement. However, if you feel that this privacy statement is not being adequately complied with in practice, you can submit a complaint to us.
Complaint handling
H. Hendriks
Telephone: +31 (0)24 3605 442
Postal address: Oude Oeverstraat 120, 6811 JZ Arnhem, Netherlands
Dutch Data Protection Authority
If you are not satisfied with the way in which your complaint is handled, you can contact:
Dutch Data Protection Authority
Postal address: Bezuidenhoutseweg 30, 2594 AV The Hague, Netherlands
Telephone number: 0900-2001201
We reserve the right to change this privacy statement in order to comply with the latest GDPR developments. The latest version of our privacy statement will always be available on our website.
In the event of any dispute, the latest version of the privacy statement as published on our website will be referred to.
HHCE, November 2021